Scholarships in form of financial aid are very important for those students who are meritorious but due to lack of financial resources are unable to continue their education. Ministry of Minority Affairs, Govt. of India has launched scholarships for students of minority community on merit cum means basis and the scholarships are commonly known as MOMA Scholarship . MOMA scholarship is offered to students of minority community in India and it includes Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Buddhists and Zoroastrians. MOMA Scholarship is divided into three parts and aims at covering students at all levels of education. There are for three types of scholarships that are given under the Ministry of Minority Affairs Scholarships commonly known as MOMA Scholarship. They are as follows – Pre Matric Scholarship Post Matric scholarship Means cum merit scholarship scheme Pre Matric Scholarship - Pre Matric Scholarship was started by the Ministry of Minority affairs in the 20080-09 an...